Friday, 17 February 2012

Perth - Dirty Stop Out

When we arrived in Perth we were short one suitcase. C8 a case full of costumes had decided that Singapore looked pretty cool and it wanted to hang out there for a while. So our second day in Perth included a bit of retail therapy wardrobe style. Whilst Bridget our wardrobe mistress headed off to the suburbs to malls and vintage shops in search of combat trousers, army boots, flower power dresses and such like Janine and I headed to central Perth with our list. Our morning's task was to find pants, socks, shirts, evening gloves and a chiffon scarf. We found Target (TKMaxx), David Jones (Debenhams) and Meyr (BHS) and managed to find everything we'd been asked for. We also found Woolworths (which is a supermarket chain) so we stocked up on water and things for packed lunches.

The errant case finally showed up the following evening during the half for our first show, The Winter's Tale. The company wore their new shirts for the first half but a number cast members chose to wear their old favourites hauled out of the dirty laundry in C8 rather than break in something new. Thankfully Bridget was able to get everything laundered before the second show!

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