Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Beijing to Shanghai

We travelled from Beijing to Shanghai on the train. It was a high speed service travelling at 300km per hour.

We had to pass through a security screening like at the airport and then show our passports and visas before being allowed on to the platform. The train was very clean and modern, all of the seats were facing in the direction of travel, perfect for having a good nose out of the window.

The fields were all very small. In the north close to Beijing there weren't many people, an occasional tractor or farmer alone in a field.

Further south we saw a lot of fields that had been cleared by fire and for around 3 hours running into Shanghai the air was thick with smoke. The fields here started to have rice planted in them and lots of fields were full of groups of people planting the rice.

We arrived to a hazy evening in Shanghai and were taken by coach to our hotel.

After Beijing it was lovely to be in a hotel with a really efficient air con system!

We headed into downtown Shangahi to find something to eat.

Laura sports some natty gloves to eat her barbecued prawns.

Stumped by the great food, next stop was the hotel bar for a nightcap.

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