Friday, 15 February 2013


If we're in Girona then it must be nearly Christmas.

This is only my second season with the company and already our visit to Girona makes me feel all Christmassy. I think it is the combination of the lights all over the city, the crisp air and blue skies, the market and a slight end of term vibe from the boys (enjoying being away from home but knowing we head home to the hard work of rehearsing our second play).

Girona is such a beautiful and compact city to walk around, there are various routes to the theatre each requiring you to cross the river and affording views of the houses crammed against the river bank and the churches and cathedrals rising over the top of the city.

There are lots of great food shops and it was fun to rediscover those we bought presents in last year as well as seeking out new ones. Laura spotted a bag in a shop closed for siesta and it took repeated visits through out the week to finally find it open. I found a wool shop that has opened since last year, and miraculously managed to avoid stepping over the threshold - despite it always seeming to be open, unlike Laura's bag shop!

This year I walked along the city walls and got a different view of this lovely city.

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